Bayesian Integration for Marine Spatial Planning and Renewable Energy Siting

Lead PI: Kevin Halsey, Parametrix
Start Year: 2010 | Duration: 3 years
Partners: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Oregon State University, Aquaterra, Robust Decisions, Inc., & Nature Conservancy

The integration of oceanographic, ecological, human use data, stakeholder input, and cumulative impacts for the evaluation of ocean renewable energy siting proposals can be greatly facilitated by the application of Bayesian methods. The project team has experience with two such methods that, when integrated, can support the needs of ocean renewable energy planning in the context of coastal and marine spatial planning (CMSP) and beyond. The proposed system can make use of these two existing components, and much of the scientific and social data collected for the EFH and wave energy site process. It can also make use of existing output and query tools such as the PacOOS Habitat Portal developed by NOAA and Oregon State University.


Annual PI Reports:
FY 2011 PI Report
FY 2013 PI Report