Improving Attachments of Remotely-deployed Dorsal Fin-mounted Tags: Tissue Structure, Hydrodynamics, In Situ Performance, and Tagged-animal Follow-up

Lead PI: Dr. Russell Andrews, University of Alaska, Fairbanks and Alaska SeaLife Center
Start Year: 2010 | Duration: 3 years
Partners: Belle Quant Engineering, Cartesian Flow Solutions, Inc., Cascadia Research Collective, & NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center

The researchers have recently developed small satellite-linked telemetry tags that are anchored to the dorsal fin with small attachment darts. They propose to improve upon their existing tagging methodology to achieve longer, less variable attachment durations by carefully examining the factors that affect attachment success. The researchers will design an improved barnacle-style shape for remote-deployment by assessing the hydrodynamic properties of the current tag shape and determine new candidates that may reduce the drag force.


Annual PI Reports:
FY 2010 PI Report
FY 2011 PI Report
FY 2012 PI Report