Coastal and Marine Aerosol Transformation Processes

Lead PI: Dr. William Hoppel, Naval Research Laboratory, Remote Sensing Division

In order to create an accurate marine boundary layer (MBL) aerosol model to properly address radiative transfer in marine forecast models and to predict the extinction of electo-optical (E-O) signals, the Partnership will use the Calspan 600 m3 environmental chamber to conduct several studies. The Calspan environmental chamber will be utilized to study the effect of cloud processing on the MBL aerosol size distribution; gas-phase growth of aerosols which results from oxidation of Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS), given off by phytoplankton, to nonvolatile sulfate; nucleation of MBL aerosol directly from involatile products produced by photolysis of DMS and SO2; and, heterogeneous oxidation of SO2 by ozone in sea-salt aerosol.

Start Year: 1997


  • Naval Research Laboratory
  • Calspan-University of Buffalo Research Center
  • University of Washington