observing network

NOPP Program Update: March 2011

The National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) is pleased to announce the release of the Attaining an Operational Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Synthesis Report. The report is the result of a three-day workshop held at the Consortium for Ocean Leadership to plan for the implementation of a sustainable marine Biodiversity Observing Network (BON). Currently, there is no standardized, coordinated approach to monitoring marine biodiversity, the degree of variation in marine life forms. The report provides a set of recommendations and case studies for implementing a national and global marine BON. Read more

NOPP Program Update: February 2011

The recommendations from the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) breakout session on Attaining an Operational Biodiversity Observing Network: Transforming Recommendations to Action at the January 19-20, 2011 National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) conference are now available. To view these recommendations and recommendations from additional breakout sessions, please visit http://communities.earthportal.org/ncseoceans2011/. Read more

NCSE Recommendations for a National Marine Biodiversity Observing Network

The National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) coordinated a breakout session at the National Council for Science and Environment (NCSE) 11th National Conference on January 20th, 2011. The conference theme was Our Changing Oceans and the NOPP session focused on Attaining an Operational Marine Biodiversity Observing Network (BON): Transforming Recommendations to Action. The recommendations generated from the breakout session focused on the following steps needed to implement a national marine BON: Read more

NOPP Program Update: November 2010

The National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) is pleased to announce a breakout session on Attaining an Operational Biodiversity Observing Network: Transforming Recommendations to Action, to be held at the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) conference in Washington, DC on 20 January 2011. Read more

NOPP Program Update: October 2010

For funding beginning in FY 2011, the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) welcome research proposals on Marine Mammal Detection and Monitoring. The partner agencies are particularly interested in new technologies and systems to detect, identify, locate and track marine mammals within a specified area with a high level of confidence. Proposals may address one or more of the following topic areas: Read more