Implementation of the Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS)

Lead PI: Ms. Kelli Paige, Great Lakes Observing System
Start Year: 2011 | Duration: 5 years
Partners: Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research (CILER)-University of Michigan, Large Lakes Observatory-University of Minnesota-Duluth, WATER Institute -University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Marine Hydrodynamic Laboratory – University of Michigan, Michigan Tech Research Institute, Michigan Technological University, Great Lakes Research Consortium, Great Lakes Commission, Ohio State University, Michigan Sea Grant, & NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory

The Great Lakes provide unique technical and political challenges for managing observing systems, but these challenges highlight the need and benefits for coordinating observing resources in order to meet the region’s priorities within the IOOS framework. The proposed project will achieve five objectives, which will be addressed year-by-year through a distinct set of specific tasks that build to system maturity over the five year project period. The overarching goal is to create a fully integrated Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) that provides products and services to decision-makers, resource managers and other data users with input from members and partners, to foster understanding and inform decision-making related to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River System.

GLOS is positioned to address unique regional issues resulting from its freshwater composition and geography. These issues include source water protection; providing baseline data to managers of Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOCs) and Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPs); identifying, collecting, and integrating key fishery and associated environmental observations to support state and provincial fishery managers; understanding the impacts of climate change upon net basin water supplies; assisting municipal/regional planners in adapting to climate change; and prioritizing maintenance funds for key port and harbor infrastructure.



Annual PI Reports:
FY 2011 PI Report
FY 2012 PI Report

FY 2015 PI Report
FY 2016 PI Report